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Hợp Âm Chuẩn duy trì kinh phí hoạt động dựa trên quảng cáo. Rất mong bạn có thể ủng hộ Hợp Âm Chuẩn bằng cách tắt chương trình chặn quảng cáo đi. Cảm ơn bạn rất nhiều!

Heaven Is Too Far Away

C Shelly E. Johnson Eb chọn điệu
Capo 3
Tone [C]
I [F]know you’re safe, I know you’re home, But [C]there’s an ache within my soul
[Dm]All I want to [Am]do is hold you [G]close
Your [F]precious face is all I see Each [C]breath I take I’m gripped with grief
A [Dm]mother shouldn’t [Am]have to let her [G]baby go
[Dm]When I wonder what you’re doing [G]now, it [Dm]brings me just a little peace [G]somehow
[C]Are you running up and down the golden [G]streets,
Or [Am]riding on a lion’s back through of [G]green?
[F]Do you wear a [Am]sparkly [G]princess crown
at [F]tea parties with [Am]Jesus [G]on a cloud ?
[C]Are you soaring through the sky on eagles [G]wings,
Or [Am]playing angels in a game of hide & [G]seek?
[F]Though you’re [Am]snuggled in the [G]Father’s lap,
[F]I would still give [Am]anything to [G]have you back
Oh, I [Dm]know He’ll bring me [C]home to [F]you some [C]day
But [Dm]Heaven is [F]too far a [C]way
I’ve [F]yelled at God, I’ve said my words, I’ve [C]cried until my eyes have burned
It’s [Dm]agony to [Am]make it through [G]each day
Yet [F]in the depths of my despair, I [C]feel His presence meet me here
I’m [Dm]carried by a [Am]peace I can’t [G]explain, knowing
[C]You are chasing butterflies in summer’s [G]breeze
[C]And swimming with the dolphins in the crystal [G]seas
[F]Bedtime stories [Am]happen [G]on the moon
as [F]Jesus sings a [Am]lullaby [G]for you
You [C]stay up late to watch your dreams play out a [G]gain
As [C]galaxies shine brilliantly above your [G]head
[F]This is the most [Am]fun you’ve [G]ever had,
but [F]I would still give [Am]anything to [G]hear you laugh
Oh, I [Dm]know He’ll bring me [C]home to [F]you some [C]day
But [Dm]Heaven is [F]too far [C]away
[Dm]Hallelujah! [C]He is good, My [Am]heart will [G]choose to [F]say:
[Dm]Hallelujah! [C]He is good [Am]Blessed be His [G]Name
[C]Though I’ll never understand the reason [G]why
A [C]good and loving God would make us [G]say goodbye
[F]Every single [Am]joy we’re mis [G]sing here,
[F]we will have e [Am]ternity to [G]share!
[D]Someday I’ll come bursting through those gates of [A]pearls
And [D]wrap you in my arms forever, my Sweet [A]Girl
[G]In the land [Bm]where there is [A]no more pain,
we’ll [G]praise the God who [Bm]gives and takes [A]away
Oh, I [Em]know He’ll bring me [D]home to [G]you some[D]day
But [Em]Heaven is [A]too far [D]away
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Cập nhật:
ngày 6 tháng 07, 2024
Lượt xem: 121 Người đăng: Tiến Đạt Nguyễn (kabigon91 đã duyệt)
Tác giả: Shelly E. Johnson Thể loại: USUK Yêu thích: 0
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