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Dirt Cheap

C Cody Johnson C# Điệu Blues
Capo 1
[C]They came in thinkin' top dollar [Em]to that old cotton crop farmer
[F]They knocked on his screen door, and he
said "Lord, what you need, boys, " and they said
[C]"You know all the others went and cashed out [Em]We got the subdivision all mapped out
[F]It'll sit right here on this land And you can leave town a rich man"
And he said, "[G]Boys, whatever you're offerin', it won't be e[F]nough
'Cause I got a [C]little girl that used to swing right there
[Em]I still see her pink bow in her brown hair
[F]She's in the big city, but she still calls home
[F]What's she gonna do if she comes back, and we're gone?
[C]And over there, under that wide oak tree
[Em]Beneath the cross is where my best buddy's buried
[F]Lasted 13 huntin' season runnin' strong
[F]Keep your money 'cause a man can't leave his dog
[Am]And over there is where I [G]got down on one [F]knee
You can't buy that [G]kind of dirt [C]cheap"
[C]One man smiled and he kinda looked away the
other [Em]said, "Before we go, I gotta know one thing
Between the [F]droughts and the floods through
all the years what in the world got you through?
How the hell'd you get here?" And he said
"That [C]little girl that used to swing right there
[Em]I still see her pink bow in her brown hair
[F]She's in the big city, but she still calls home
[F]What's she gonna do if she comes back, and we're gone?
[C]And over there, under that wide oak tree
[Em]Beneath the cross is where my best buddy's buried
[F]Lasted 13 huntin' season runnin' strong
[F]Keep your money 'cause a man can't leave his dog
[Am]And over there is where I [G]got down on one [F]knee
You can't buy that [G]kind of dirt [C]cheap"
No, it ain't [Am]somethin' you fall into It's [G]somethin' God gives you
[F]And you hold on to
Just like that [C]little girl that used to swing right there
[Em]I still see her pink bow in her brown hair
[F]She's in the big city, but she still calls home
[F]What's she gonna do if she comes back, and we're gone?
[C]And over there, under that wide oak tree
[Em]Beneath the cross is where my best buddy's buried
[F]Lasted 13 huntin' season runnin' strong
[F]Keep your money 'cause a man can't leave his dog
[Am]And over there is where I [G]got down on one [F]knee
You can't buy that [G]kind of dirt [C]cheap"
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Cập nhật:
ngày 1 tháng 07, 2024
Lượt xem: 116 Người đăng: TPP (Dương Công Vủ đã duyệt)
Tác giả: Cody Johnson Thể loại: USUK Yêu thích: 0
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