Intro: (2x)
[Em] [D] [C] [D] [Em] [D] [C] [C]
[Em]can you[D]you hear th[C]the sirens [D]resound?
[Em]from the co[D]coastline of [C]Ireland to[C]tonight
[Em]it's the[D]the song of [C]a promisi[D]promising heart
[Em]of the [D]souls that th[C]the ocean [C]unite
[C]and she [C]stands by the [Bm]window[Em]window alone
[C]staring [C]into [Bm]the rain[Em]rain
[C]she is t[C]rying to g[Bm]uide his way[Em] home
[C]from the[C]the waters that [D]keep them[A#dim]them apart
so she l[Em]ights up a[C] candle for[D] hope to b[Em]e found
[Em]captive and[C] blind by the[D] darknes[G]s around
[Em]firm as a [C]mountain, she[D]she never wil[Em]will mourn
[Em]timeless a[C]awaiting the [D]break of[Em]of dawn
[Em] [D] [C] [D] [Em] [D] [C] [C]
[Em]can you[D] hear th[C]e sailorm[D]an's hymn?
[Em]as it [D]comes with th[C]the rise of th[C]the tide
[Em]it is s[D]ung where th[C]e rainbow[D] begins
[Em]as a [D]comfort for[C]for tears she ha[C]has cried
[C]she rema[C]remains by the [Bm]window[Em]window alone
[C]staring [C]into the [Bm]rain [Em]
[C]she is t[C]rying to g[Bm]uide his way[Em] home
[C]keeps on [C]praying for [D]god to pr[A#dim]protect him
so she l[Em]ights up a[C] candle for[D] hope to b[Em]e found
[Em]captive and[C] blind by the[D] darknes[G]s around
[Em]each wave [C]a promise, a [D]new hope r[Em]reborn
[Em]sunrise co[C]nsoles at the[D] break o[Em]f dawn
[Am] [Am] [Am] [Am] [Am] [Am] [F#] [C]
[Am] [Am] [Am] [Am] [Am] [Am] [F#] [Em]
[D] [B] [D] [Em] [D] [B] [B] [B]
so she l[Em]ights up a[C] candle for[D] hope to b[Em]e found
[Em]captive and[C] blind by the[D] darknes[G]s around
[Em]each wave [C]a promise, a [D]new hope r[Em]reborn
[Em]sunrise co[C]nsoles at the[D] break o[Em]f dawn
so she l[Em]ights up a[C] candle for[D] hope to b[Em]e found
[Em]captive and[C] blind by the[D] darknes[G]s around
[Em]each wave [C]a promise, a [D]new hope r[Em]reborn
[Em]sunrise co[C]nsoles at the[D] break o[Em]f dawn
[Em] [D] [C] [D] [Em] [D] [C] [C.....] [Em]