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Hợp Âm Chuẩn duy trì kinh phí hoạt động dựa trên quảng cáo. Rất mong bạn có thể ủng hộ Hợp Âm Chuẩn bằng cách tắt chương trình chặn quảng cáo đi. Cảm ơn bạn rất nhiều!

coney island

Capo 1
[G] [C] [D] [Em] [C]
[Bm]Break my soul in two looking for you
But you're [C]right here
[D]If I can't relate to you anymore
Then who am I [Em]related to? [C]
[Bm]And if this is the long haul
How'd we get [C]here so soon?
[D]Did I close my fist around something delicate?
Did [Em]I shatter you? [C]
And I'm [Em]sitting on a bench in Coney [C]Island
Wondering where did my [G]baby go?
The fast times, the bright lights, the [Bm]merry go
[C]Sorry for not making you [D]my centerfold
Over and [Em]over
[C]Lost again with no surprises
[G/B]Disappointments close your eyes
And [Bm]it gets colder and [C]colder
When the sun [D]goes down
[Em] [C]
[Bm]The question pounds my head
What's a lifetime of [C]achievement
[D]If I pushed you to the edge?
But you were too polite to [Em]leave me [C]
[Bm]Do you miss the rogue
Who coaxed you into paradise and [C]left you there?
[D]Will you forgive my soul
When you're too wise to trust me and [Em]too old to care? [C]
'Cause [Em]we were like the mall before the [C]internet
It was the one [G]place to be
The mischief, the gift-wrapped [Bm]suburban dreams
[C]Sorry for not winning you [D]an arcade ring
Over and [Em]over
[C]Lost again with no surprises
[G/B]Disappointments close your eyes
And [Bm]it gets colder and [C]colder
When the sun [D]goes down
[Em]Were you waiting at our [C]old spot
In the tree line
By the [G]gold clock
Did I leave you hanging every single day?
[Bm]Were you standing in the [C]hallway
With a big cake, happy [D]birthday
Did I paint your bluest skies the darkest grey?
A [Em]universe away
And when I [C]got into the accident
The [G]sight that flashed before me was your face
[Bm]But when I walked up to the podium
I [D]think that I forgot to say your name
[Em]I'm on a bench in Coney [C]Island
Wondering where did my [G]baby go
The fast times, the bright lights, [Bm]the merry go
[C]Sorry for not making you [D]my centerfold
Over and [Em]over
[C]Lost again with no surprises
[G/B]Disappointments close your eyes
And [Bm]it gets colder and [C]colder
When the sun [D]goes down
When the sun [Em]goes down [C]
The [G]sight that flashed before me was your face
When the sun [Bm]goes [C]down
But I [D]think that I forgot to say your name
Over and [Em]over [C]
[G]Sorry for not making you my, making you my
[Bm]Making you [C]my [D]centerfold
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Cập nhật:
ngày 16 tháng 07, 2024
Lượt xem: 52 Người đăng: melondramatic (Dương Công Vủ đã duyệt)
Tác giả: Taylor Swift , The National Thể loại: Indie Folk Yêu thích: 0
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