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Too Sweet

Am Hozier Gm James Zap Em Điệu Ballad
Capo 7th
[Am] [C] [F] [G] [E7]
[Am] It canʼt be said Iʼm an e[C]arly bird
Itʼs 10.00 before I s[F]ay a word
Baby, I can never t[G]ell
How Do you sleep so w[E7]ell?
You keep tellinʼ me to l[Am]ive right
To Go to bed before the da[C]ylight
But then you wake up for the s[F]unrise
You know you donʼt gotta pret[C]end
Baby, now and t[E7]hen
Donʼt you just wanna w[Am]ake up
Dark as a lake
Smellinʼ like a b[C]onfire
Lost in a haze?
If youʼre drunk on li[F]fe, babe
I think itʼs great
But while in this w[G]orld
I think Iʼll t[E7]ake my whiskey n[Am]eat
My coffee black and my b[C]ed at three
Youʼre too sweet for m[F]e
Youʼre too sweet for m[C]e
I t[E7]ake my whisk?y n[Am]eat
My coffee black and my b[C]ed at three
Youʼre too sweet for m[F]e
Youʼre too sweet for m[G]e [E7]
[Am] [C] [F] [C] [E7]
I aim [Am]low
I aim true, and the groundʼs where I [C]go
I work late where Iʼm free from the p[F]hone
And the job gets done
But you w[G]orry some, I k[E7]now
But who wants to live fo[Am]rever, babe?
You treat your mouth as if itʼs He[C]avenʼs gate
The rest of you like youʼre the T[F]SA
I wish that I could Go al[C]ong
Babe, donʼt get me wr[E7]ong
You know youʼre bright as the m[Am]orning
As soft as the rain
Pretty as a v[C]ine
As sweet as a grape
If you can sit in a b[F]arrel
Maybe Iʼll wait
Until that d[G]ay
Iʼd rather t[E7]ake my whiskey n[Am]eat
My coffee black and my b[C]ed at three
Youʼre too sweet for [F]me
Youʼre too sweet for [C]me
I t[E7]ake my whiskey n[Am]eat
My coffee black and my b[C]ed at three
Youʼre too sweet for [F]me
Youʼre too sweet for [G]me [E7]
[Am] [C] [F] [C] [E7] [Am] [C] [F] [G]
I t[E7]ake my whiskey n[Am]eat
My coffee black and my b[C]ed at three
Youʼre too sweet for [F]me
Youʼre too sweet for m[C]e..[E7].
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Quản lý 1
Cập nhật:
ngày 29 tháng 05, 2024
Lượt xem: 2,811 Người đăng: minhmo227 (kabigon91 đã duyệt)
Tác giả: Hozier Thể loại: Nhạc Trẻ Yêu thích: 117
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