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Phiên bản mới

Hợp âm cơ bản
4 năm trước
[Am]Sing a song of madeleine-mary a tune that all can carry
[Am]Burly says if we don't sing then we won't have anything
[Am]All the boys on ship set sail and the mate was madeleine-mary
[Am]When her eyes did fill with tears.
[Am]It was extraordinary.
It was extraordinary [Am]For we none of us could see it
For she kept herself kept below [Am]And all her feelings private
[Am]Sing a song of madeleine-mary a tune that all can carry
[Am]Burly says if we don't sing then we won't have anything
[Am]None of us could get a glimpse but all of us did want it
[Am]At night, above our sleeping heads our sleeping dreams were haunted
[Am]So now my kids you'd like to hear of one who reached and got her
[Am]Well, if there was, well, i think he sleeps beneath the water
[Am]Sing a song of madeleine-mary a tune that all can carry
[Am]Burly says if we don't sing then we won't have anything


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